The bugger in the short sleeves f**ked my wife
Did it quick and split
Back home, fresh as a daisy to maisy, oh maisy
And the twelve-bore it stood in the corner
Quite operatic in it’s self disgust
It blew him all over the living room floor
Like parrot shit, parrot spit, parrot shit was shot
Now suppose it was someone familiar
Someone we all would know
Embarrasing denouement, ne c’est pas?
Familiar hyperbole
And there would go the secret plot
The piss had missed the hole in the pot
Like that ancient teenage dream
From soul to poison soul to poison soul
Guts, guts, got no guts
And stitches don’t help at all
Guts, guts, got no guts
Holes in the body, holes in the legs
Holes in the forehead, holes in the head
Holes in the body, holes in the legs
There should never be holes at all
There should never be holes at all
So: kill all you want or more
Make sure, do it right
Dead is dead, and door nails forget
And then you’ll notice
How the waster and the wasted
Get to look like one another
In the end, in the end
In the end, in the end
In the end, in the end
In the end, in the end
@AagePK: Jeg går ind for skolemestre. Der er mere brug for den end nogensinde! (Min datter brokker sig ofte over mine belæringer, men det må hun finde sig i).
Rigtigt nok, det var bare anjoe’s formulering:”alderen flyver afsted..” Den gamle skolemester har ikke lagt uvanerne pÃ¥ hylden endnu, sorry.
@usling: London Calling har jeg heldigvis været omkring. Alligevel – 30 Ã¥r. Det, føles som var det i gÃ¥r.
@AagePK: Jeg har aldrig rigtig kunnet affinde mig med talemÃ¥derne “tiden gÃ¥r hurtigt” og “livet er kort”. Livet har den længde, det nu har, og tidsfornemmelsen er noget meget subjektivt. Har man et interessant liv, sÃ¥ oplever man at tiden flyver. Men keder man sig, sÃ¥ stÃ¥r tiden stille. Tiden som subjektiv elastik.
@anjoe: Ja, livet er kort, selv på de længste dage, som Mellemcamp skriver. Tommy 40 år. Der må være basis for noget skriveri.
“London Calling” fylder 30!
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
citat Groucho Marx
anjoe, alderen humper på krykker, tiden flyver.
Og i dag er det 40 Ã¥r siden, at The Who berigede os med “Tommy”…
SUK, alderen flyver sgu’ da bare afsted, hva’ Capac 😀