Mick Jagger vil redde Hitchcocks barndomsbiograf


I april omtalte jeg de londonske planer om at omdanne Alfred Hitchcocks barndomsbiograf EMD i det nordlige London til en sekt.kirke. I den forbindelse nævnte jeg, at bl.a. Beatles og Stones havde trådt deres ungdommelige sko dér.Og nu forlyder det, at selveste Mick Jagger har erklæret sin støtte til dem, der vil bevare kulturstedet for eftertiden. Til NME siger han bl.a.: “Cinemas and live venues like the Granada where the Stones played in the early days, learning our craft on the way, are the lifeblood of our cultural history…It’s heartbreaking to hear about such a beautiful, important historical building and centre of entertainment being lost to the local community. I fully support the campaign to keep it open and provide film, music and the arts for generations to come.”. Sådan Mick, op på barrikaderne!

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