Jeg omtaler gerne musik og andre kulturgoder, f.eks. bøger og film i min blog. Hvis du/I er interesseret i at få en udgivelse omtalt, så kontakt mig via min emailadresse
Forudsætningen for omtale er, at musikken sendes i form af en ORIGINAL cd eller – meget gerne! – vinyl, da det jo er tidens medie.
OBS. Digitale filer – fx. mp3 og musikvideoer – promotionudgaver af CD’er (for promotion only-cd’er) og hjemmebrændte CD’er med digitale filer bliver ikke omtalt.
Tilsvarende gælder det, at e- og lydbøger ikke omtales, kun gammeldags tryksager.
Når jeg har omtalt musik eller andet sender jeg altid et link til omtale til kontaktpersonen.
Jeg forsøger at omtale de fremsendte medier, så hurtigt det lader sig gøre og gerne i forbindelse med udgivelsestidspunktet. Men det kan ikke altid lade sig gøre, så bær over med capac, hvis der kommer forsinkelser – linket skal nok komme. Det kan sikkert også forekomme, at jeg helt glemmer at omtale en plade.
And in english:
I do recommend music, books, films etc. in my weblog. If you want me to recommend a record, book etc. please contact me here:
My condition is, that the music must be available
as an original CD og vinyl record.
Digital files (mp3 etc.) and musicvideoes, for-promotion-only-CD’s, and homemade CDs will not be reviewed by me.
The same goes for e- and audiobooks. Only printed books will do.
When I recommend a record, I will send a link to my recommandation to my contact person.
I try to write about the stuff, I receive as fast as possible. But sometimes it takes some time – but the recommandation will come and so will the link. Please be patient.
As the reader of my blog will see, I have first of all written about music, but I would like to write about other stuff such as poetry, books on music, literature and
movies. So if you are interested, please let me know.
@beau graham: Well, Moirana is out on cd (look here: – is a specialist in reissues of danish beat from the sixties and seventies). CM Musictrain is one of the collector’s items from the legendary Spectator Records ( Very few – if any – of this series has been reissued. Unfortunately. But I have written post on severel of the records. (Corrections: I’ve just read at the Spectator Records Site, that CM Musictrain has been reissued in Japan in 2008 – or was planned to be…)
Wait a minute your local library still has record albums thats awesome i wish my library did. You raise a good point hopefully enough people do coment and maybe one day this album will be released hey. Hey what about a danish band called
Moirana-friends and lovers 1974 i like that one
have you also heard of CM Musictrain-1970 that is another album id love to hear
@beau graham: No, I don’t own a vinyl copy. I borrowed it from the local library. And, be the way, another reason for me to write about Def Cisum was to attract peoples interest to it. Maybe someone then will – like you – ask for it. And maybe someone from the recording business reads it as well…
Unfortunately a lot of fine danish recording from the sixties and seventies has never been released on cd. Another example is Cy, Maia & Robert genuine masterpiece Out Of Our Times.
But, if I find soundclips or other, I will surely let you know. Best Wishes capac
What a bummer well it should be reissued on cd Epic records should do something about that. Look at all the crap that is on cd hey do you actually own a copy of the vinyl?????
what a bummer well it should be reissued look at all the crap there is on cd
hey do you actually own a copy of the vinyl????
@beau graham: My posts on Def Cisum was based on the vinyl record. A piece of nostalgia, because I heard the record, when I was young, and because the band came from the same part of Denmark, I came from. I understand your frustration, but can’t help you with downloads or soundclips, since the record has not been reissued digitally (one of the reason for me to mention the record i the first place, by the way…).
Any luck finding a download link for this album yet???? its been months it seems silly to have an album to review without posting a link to listen to it doesent it i have heard two songs from this album and love them The vocalist Flemming Andersen has a great voice
@beau graham: Sorry, I can’t help you with that.
no thats ok i dont have a record player what i want is to download it but nobody is of any help. i dont like blogsites that dont have a download link. im sure a lot of people would love to hear this album. it needs to be posted thanks
@beau graham: If you want to buf the Def Cisum, this second hand book- and recordshop has got one copy 450 danish kroner):
any luck tracking down a copy of the def cisum album yet im still waiting for this guy to send it to me. he sent me three songs from the album i loved what i heard the singer has a good voice i cant detect an accent. let me know
there has to be a way to get it. i got someone that is gonna send me the def cisum album i contacted him online. now why do you say i cant download the smile album???
@beau: I forgot to mention, that the Smile album is rare – very rare. I’ve heard it, but don’t own it. And you can’t download it. The same goes for Def Cisum.
hey i checked on that smile album not only could i not find a download link for it. i couldnt find any info on the band or the album at all. can you send me the album i would love to hear it. let me know thank you
@beau graham: I will see, what I can come up with. But as Gertrud mentions above the group Smile from Esbjerg was a fine example of the stile you’re looking for. Smile made one album (Smile, Hørekiks 1973) and two singles (fool’s love song/Right on, Metronome 1976 and House of the Rising Sun/Every Heartbeat, Metronome 1976). There were not many danish bands like Blood, Sweat and Tears and Chicago. If I find others that the two mentioned, I will let you know.
thats fine im not expecting a masterpiece i just hope a handful of song on the album are keepers. hey can you suggest any other european bands with horns/male vocals in english im running out i know there are more out there. anything you can suggest would be great. thank you
right on thank you i dont expect a masterpiece thats fine blood, sweat and tears and chicago were the best horn rock bands. but there are other good horn rock bands and albums like gas mask, puzzle, moms apple pie im just hoping that a handful of songs are keepers. i appricate the response im after 10 or 11 rare horn rock albums that are nowhere to be found i wish i had a usb turntable. hey can you suggest some other danish or european bands with male vocals and horns im running out. thats cool the band still exsists its been 35 years since this album. i dont wanna take up your time but any recomendations for some more european horn rock would be great. thank you
@beau graham: I will see if I can find the titels and the lengths of the songs for you. The record is not a masterpiece, it’s not perfect, but a fine example of local danish jazz-fusion (Ã la early Chicago) though. By the Way, the Band still exists.
how good is this album. hey can i ask a favor could you please list the song titles and the lengths of the songs. that would be great
@beau: I don’t know of any links, where you can listen to the album. Sorry. I borrowed the LP at the local library.
i cant find the download link i hope there is a download link whats the point of posting an album if no one can listen to it. thanks
@kunst: Behøver en plade at være perfekt for at være god? Def Cisums plade kunne sikkert have vundet noget, hvis tid og penge havde tilladt det dengang. Men kan man lytte hen over svaghederne, så er det en fin plade.
Fandt lige omtalte plade pÃ¥ et loppemarked i dag – og den er bestemt mere værd, end den sølle tier jeg gav for den.
Efter min mening en spændende plade med spændende kompositioner fra en tid, hvor vi ellers mÃ¥tte lægge ører til en forfærdelig masse tre akkorders dansktopbras – men det var desværre mere salgbart anno 1974.
Jeg hører nu ogsÃ¥ et par mislyde i korarrangementet pÃ¥ “Scarlet kind of dream”. Men “pivfalsk” er nok en lidt hÃ¥rd generalisering. Mon ikke pladen kunne vinde meget ved en remastering?
@Gertrud: Hvem, hvad lyder pivfalsk?! Er det den samme plade, vi har hørt?
Sorry, efter mine ringe ører og lytten til vinylen gentagne gange gennem Ã¥rene – lyder det pivfalsk.
Datidens bedste i samme stil var SMILE, der gav en super-koncert på Roskilde, men da Hørekiks-pladen udkom, var det uden brass-akompagnement og egt. noget bras.
Senere smuttede datidens lead-guitar-helt, Waldeier, til Norge og spillede pÃ¥ Waldhorn i et symfoniorkester…