Uni and her Ukulele – mere ukulele-guf…


That Blonde Venus hair, those frilly outfits, that sweet, sweet voice: It could only be Uni & Her Ukelele. The uke’s pink, usually, and the girl’s obsessed with unicorns; the overall effect is the musical and sartorial equivalent of sucking on a jawbreaker while drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. Although Uni claims both Ol’ Dirty Bastard and Stevie Nicks as influences and strays a long, long way from traditional, she does perform a tune called “Mahalo Maui Rose” that brings the old-fashioned plinky romance.
Michael Leaverton & Hiya Swanhuyser for SF Weekly, November 16, 2005

En af bloggens læsere har sendt et link til endnu en ukulele-performer. Og vi viderebringer straks informationen. Her er Uni and her Ukulele (myspace):

Uni & Her Ukelele: “Mahalo Maui Rose”

Uni kan fås via CD-Baby, hvor man også kan læse en masse lovende ord om hende…

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