Neil Young – fremtidens mand…


Som tidligere omtalt udsender Neil Young en stor luns fra sine arkiver. Et 10-disc-stort udvalg af koncerter og optrædener. I første omgang forlød det, at udgivelsen kun ville komme i blue-ray-formatet, men Young har åbenbart besindet sig (eller ladet sig påvirke af pladeselskabet?) og tilladt, at det også kommer på gammeldags cd og dvd. Han udtaler dog til Billboard, at han håber, at folk vil tage blue-ray-udgivelserne til sig, fordi blue-ray er fremtiden: “It sounds the best, the navigating system is the best. I’ve made a lot
of CDs and we’ve made a lot of DVDs, and Blu-ray technology is so far
superior to anything else. The fact there aren’t many players out there
now doesn’t meant that much to me, because it is the future, so I would
rather focus on what’s next. If you were to get a Blu-ray of the
‘Archive,’ you would get the best.”

Neil Young & Crazy Horse – Fillmore East

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