Julian Assanges pågribelse


Assange characterised himself as the spy of and for the people: he is not spying on the people for those in power, he is spying on those in power for the people. This is why his only assistance will have to come from us, the people. Only our pressure and mobilisation can alleviate his predicament. One often reads how the Soviet secret service not only punished its traitors (even if it took decades to do it), but also fought doggedly to free them when they were caught by the enemy. Assange has no state behind him, just us – so let us do Soviet secret service was doing, let’s fight for him no matter how long it will take!

Wikileaks is just the beginning, and our motto should be a Maoist one: Let a hundred Wikileaks blossom. The panic and fury with which those in power – those who control our digital commons – reacted to Assange, is proof that such activity hits a nerve.

There will be many blows below the belt in this fight – our side will be accused of playing into the enemy’s hands (like the campaign against Assange for being in the service of Putin), but we should get used to it and learn to strike back with interest, ruthlessly playing one side against each other in order to bring them all down. [Slavoj Zizek i The Guardian]

I den forgangne uge blev australieren Julian Assange, der er kendt som grundlæggeren af Wikileaks, pågrebet og arresteret af de britiske myndigheder. Og arrestationen fik beskeden omtale i danske medier. Men burde nok have lagt beslag på flere mediestunder. For Assanges betydning i en tid med voksende overvågning af befolkningerne i store dele af verden, så er det vigtigt, at nogen kæmper for større åbenhed og større indsigt i det, der foregår bag magtens facade.

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