Listige the Who – deres singler


Bedst som jeg troede, jeg kunne lægge The Who lidt væk, så  kommer den britiske avis The Guardian med en liste over The Whos singler. Og på førstepladsen finder vi – nej, ikke “My Generation” men – “Substitute”. LIstemageren er dog ærlig og klar over, at det er en halsløs gerning at udpege en af The Whos første singler til førstepladsen:

The Who hit the ground running at such an astonishing pace, it is almost impossible to pick one of their mid-60s run of singles over the rest. Even with their spoilsport first label releasing vast chunks of their debut album on 45 following the band’s defection to Robert Stigwood’s Reaction Records, virtually every seven-inch with their name on it from the era is superb. But Substitute just edges it: a complex, frustrated exploration of modern identity into which Townshend boldly stirred class, race, sexuality and even a bit of Freudian psychology. The band, meanwhile, sound incredible: a breezy acoustic guitar riff sandwiched between Daltrey’s screw-you vocal and a rhythm section that feels as if it is raining blows on the listener.


Lister kan – efter min mening – bedst bruges til at etablere et genhør med elskede eller halvt-glemte sange. Således også denne liste, der dog afslører i hvor høj grad The Who var en singlepladegruppen.

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