Associationskæder: Den nat Chicago døde

My daddy was a cop on the east side of Chicago
Back in the U.S.A. back in the bad old days
In the heat of a summer night
In the land of the dollar bill
When the town of Chicago died
And they talk about it still
When a man named Al Capone
Tried to make that town his own
And he called his gang to war
With the forces of the law
I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night it really was
Brother what a fight it really was
Glory be!
I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night the people saw
Brother what a fight the people saw
Yes indeed!
And the sound of the battle rang
Through the streets of the old east side
‘Til the last of the hoodlum gang
Had surrendered up or died
There was

Chicago har længe været kendt som en voldsom og voldelig by. Og i dagens nyhedsstrøm kan man læse om 44 skyderier, der har udspundet sig på bare 13 timer. Banderelateret vold, som medierne slår fast. Og straks begynder associationsmaskinen at køre. Fra august 2018 og tilbage til Al Capone og den slags organiseret kriminalitet – og frem igen til 1974, hvor den britiske gruppe Paper Lace hittede med sangen om dengang Chicago døde.

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