40: Low


Af en eller anden grund har David Bowies album Low altid haft en særlig plads i mit musikunivers. Det er nok det Bowie-album, der har begejstret mig mest. Og nu om et par dage -  den 14/1 – er det fyrre år siden, det udkom. Og stadigvæk kan det få de små hår på armene til at rejse sig, når lyden sniger sig ind i ørerne.

William Doyle fra tidsskriftet The Quitus revurderer albummet i anledning af jubilæet og skriver afslutningsvist:

Low remains, in my memory, a moment of pure discovery that most other records have failed to surpass. Its jarring experimentation opened doors for many artists, especially as it was a gesture performed by one of the world’s most popular artists at the time. It challenged the idea of what an album could be, in its structure and in its ingredients. It also served as the blueprint for ‘the reinvention’, the kind that, to give one example, Radiohead would undergo 23 years after Low on 2000’s Kid A. In the nature of its production it serves as an incredible example of an artist at the apex of their popularity who was able to confound the expectations of his audience despite trying circumstances. Beyond this, the only interpretation of it that matters, really, is that of your own.

Ja, Bowie vovede pelsen med det album og vandt.

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