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Dog Eat Dog
It’s dog eat dog
I’m just waking up
The dove is in the dungeon
And the white washed hawks
pedal hate and call it love
Dog Eat Dog
Holy hope in the hands of
Snakebite evangelists and racketeers
And big wig financiers

Dog Eat Dog
On prime time crime the victim begs
Money is the road to justice
and power walks it on crooked legs
Prime Time Crime
Holy hope in the hands of
Snakebite evangelists and racketeers
and big wig financiers

Where the wealth’s displayed
Thieves and sycophants parade
And where it’s made
the slaves will be taken
Some are treated well
In these games of buy and sell
And some like poor beast
Are burdened down to breaking

Dog Eat Dog
It’s dog eat dog ain’t it Flim Flam man
Dog eat dog you can lie cheat skim scam
Beat’ em any way you can
Dog eat Dog
You’ll do well in this land of
Snakebite evangelists and racketeers
You could get to be
a big wig financier

Land of snap decisions
Land of short attention spans
Nothing is savored
Long enough to really understand
In every culture in decline
The watchful ones among the slaves
Know all that is genuine will be
Scorned and conned and cast away

Dog eat dog
People looking seeing nothing
Dog eat dog
People listening hearing nothing
Dog eat dog
People lusting loving nothing
Dog eat dog
People stroking touching nothing
Dog eat dog
Knowing nothing
Dog eat dog

Denne uge har været hektisk. Mere end sædvanligt. Og mine oplevelser og nyhedsstrømen har forvisset mig om, at vi lever i en mere og mere brutaliseret og umenneskelig periode af menneskehedens historie. Højrepopulismens i fremmarch i Europa og USA, nedskydning af politibetjente og civile her og der, profitfikserede, globale frihandelsaftaler, der dræber ethver demokrati, udsigt til voksende strømme af klimaflygtningen (de mest skeptiske prognoser taler om helt op til 500.000 i sidste ende). Jo, det er en dog-eat-dog-situation.

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