Brinsley Schwarz spidder tidsånden


Hvad er der galt med fred, kærlighed og forstålse? Et passende spørgsmål i disse tider…

“I wrote the song in 1973, and the hippie thing was going out, and everyone was starting to take harder drugs and rediscover drink…Alcohol was coming back, and everyone sort of slipped out of the hippie dream and into a more cynical and more unpleasant frame of mind. And this song was supposed to be an old hippie, laughed at by the new thinking, saying to these new smarty-pants types, ‘Look, you think you got it all going on. You can laugh at me, but all I’m saying is ‘What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding?’ And that was the idea of the song. But I think as I started writing it, something told me it was too good of an idea to make it into a joke. It was originally supposed to be a joke song, but something told me there was a little grain of wisdom in this thing, and not to mess it up.” (Nick Lowe)


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