Bowie – Reed – Lulu



“One of [Reed’s] last projects was his album with Metallica,..and this was really challenging, and I have a hard time with it. There are many struggles and so much radiance. And after Lou’s death, David Bowie made a big point of saying to me, ‘Listen, this is Lou’s greatest work. This is his masterpiece. Just wait, it will be like Berlin. It will take everyone a while to catch up.’”

Det er The Guardian, der bringer denne historie fra Laurie Anderssons mund til torvs. Men selv om man jo ikke skal tale nedsættende om de døde, så holder jeg nu fast i mit synspunkt: At netop Lulu er en kulnstnerisk bølgedal på en ellers fin kunstnerisk løbebane. Nogle genhør har ikke rokket ved det synspunkt.

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