Same as it ever was.. Same as it ever was..


Dagens sang er Talking Heads “Once in a Lifetime”. Det vidste jeg allerede fra morgenstunden. Der er dage, hvor man har det som den stemme, der taler i sangen. Alle de spørgsmål. Er det sådan det skal være? Blå. Det fortager sig nok, når hosten og feberen forlader kroppen. Men sangen har det med at sætte sig fast. Og det må den gerne. Same as it ever was… Same as it ever was… Same as it ever was.

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask yourself-well…how did I get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the moneys gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the moneys gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…

Water dissolving…and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Carry the water at the bottom of the ocean
Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/in the silent water
Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the moneys gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right? …am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself
My god!…what have I done?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/in the silent water
Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the moneys gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…same as it ever was…

Talking Heads Once in A life time – (fantastisk) video

Bonus: Burning down the House (forrygende liveudgave). Er der nogen, der har en tændstik?

2 thoughts on “Same as it ever was.. Same as it ever was..”

  1. For hulan, capac – SÃ¥ sad man lige pludselig i en meget gammel Volvo-bus pÃ¥ vej mod Spanien med walkman (til kassettebÃ¥nd) pÃ¥ og den musik der i ørerne…
    Den og P Simons ‘Graceland’ – om og om igen. SKØNT!!!

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