Rod Stewart – still going strong…


Guardians anmelder har set Rod Stewart optråde i Hyde Park. Og det kunne han bestemt godt lide. Stewart greb godt ned i repertoireposen og undgik sange som “Sailing” og “Do you think i’m sexy” til fordel for numre fra Faces-perioden og andre slidstærke numre. Og Michael Hann opsumerer sit indtryk af den 70-årige sanger med ordene:

Stewart’s voice, although less fragile than on his 2013 tour, isn’t what it once was – he is 70, after all – and there are a couple of moments when his pitch sounds approximate. For the most part, however, he hits the notes he needs to – ascending into a falsetto, and summoning enough power when the song calls for it. It’s a show that leaves you wondering quite how brilliant Stewart might be if he would dispense entirely with the Hollywood material and do something similar in theatres. But for a festival show from an MOR superstar, this is special stuff.

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