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“It sounds like a dull thud to me,..For most bands, getting the syncopation is beyond them. It’s endless thudding away, with no bounce, no lift, no syncopation.” (om rock and roll)

“Millions are in love with Metallica and Black Sabbath, I just thought they were great jokes.”

“Rap — so many words, so little said, What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there, All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.”

Så blev det vist sat på plads. Jovist, den gamle rullesten er ikke bange for at lægge sig ud med nogen,og gør det gerne her op til lanceringen af sin nye plade. Hellere dårlig omtale end slet ingen, må devisen være. Citaterne er copy-pastet fra Rolling Stone.

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