Paul Raven, Killing Joke, er død, 46


Endnu en musiker fra de energiske halvfjerdseres punk- og new-wave-bølge har forladt musikscenen for bestandig. Bassisten Paul Raven omtales som en af de bedste bassister i sin generation, og han skulle blandt andet have haft stor indflydelse på basspillet hos grunge-pionererne i Nirvana. Ud over sit engagement i Killing Joke arbejde han sammen med navne som Ministry, Godflesh, Prong, Pigface, Murder Inc og Amen. John Robb fra The Independent skriver følgende om Killing Jokes betydning: “Killing Joke had arrived at the beginning of the post-punk scene in west London. Their heavy sound, mixing the aggression of punk with dub and dark disco, was highly original – and the band cut some brilliant records. With their apocalyptic attitude, fierce intelligence and volatile personalities they acquired a “heavy” reputation, operating outside the parameters of normal groups. Raven’s brutal bass lines and charismatic stage presence helped move the band into its most successful period.” Det fremgår ikke af medierne, hvad dødsårsagen var. Hvil i fred.
Killing Joke – Love Like Blood

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