Dagens sang: Be my Yoko Ono – Barenaked Ladies


Stakkels Yoko Ono har måttet lægge øre til mange knubbede ord, fordi hun angiveligt skulle være årsag til The Beatles’ opløsning. Forståelig nok har Yoko inspireret det kanadiske band Barenaked Ladies til en sang. Og den handler ganske vist om Yoko Ono som fænomen – og munder ud i en hyldest til Yoko, fordi hun var Johns personlige Venus…
If there’s someone you can live
Then do so.
And if there’s someone you can
Just shove out,
Then do so.

You can be my Yoko Ono.
You can follow me wherever I go.
Be my, be my,
Be my Yoko Ono.

Isn’t it beautiful to see two people
So much in love?
Barenaked as two virgins hand in
Hand and and
And hand in glove.
Now that I’m far away it doesn’t
Seem to me to be
Such a pain
To have you hanging off my ankle
Like some kind of ball and chain.


Oh no, here we go,
Our life is just one big pun.
Ono, here we go as Yoko sings

I know that when I say this,
I may be stepping on pins and
But I don’t like all these people
Slagging her
For breaking up the Beatles.
(don’t blame it on Yokey)
If I were John and you were Yoko,
I would gladly give up musical
Just to have my own
Personal Venus.
(hit it)


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