Port St. Willow og Owen Pallett – to musikere, jeg aldrig har hørt om – før nu


“There’s so much great music around at the moment that it’s embarrassing. Now, suddenly, musicians are able to publish their own work, and you don’t necessarily have to work through the record companies and the A&R departments and so on, so suddenly there’s all this stuff that’s coming out. Of course, there’s quite a lot of shit coming out too. But there’s so much good stuff. For example, I heard a song the other day that I so loved, by an American guy who goes under the name of Port St. Willow. The song is called “Amawalk,” and I just absolutely loved it. I thought, I can’t understand it and I can’t really see what is new about it, but I know I’ve never felt this feeling before. Then there’s somebody else who’s been around for a few years now who I think is absolutely fantastic, Owen Pallett. Do you know his work at all?”

Brian Eno i et interview med Laurie Anderson

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