Fødselaren som hvalp…



He’s just a young boy Looking for a way to find love

It isn’t easy, nothing you can say will help him, Find love

He’s got to do it for himself and it can take so long

He just a young boy Looking for a way to find love

He doesn’t need another helping hand from someone

But don’t you think he doesn’t understand what he wants, Someone

Though independence means a lot he got to still be strong

He just a young boy Looking for a way to find love

Find Love, a perfect combination

Find Love, whatever you do

Find Love, a cause for celebration

Then it might come looking, come looking for you

Find love in any situation

Find Love, whatever you do

Find Love, a cause for celebration

And it might come looking, come looking for you

He’s just a young boy Looking for a way to find love

It isn’t easy nothing you can say will help him, Find love

He’s got to do it for himself and it can take so long

He’s just a young boy Looking for a way to find love

Find love, a time for meditation

Find love, a source for inspiration

Find love, instead of confrontation

And love will come looking for you

2 thoughts on “Fødselaren som hvalp…”

  1. Har netop genhørt The White Album og mÃ¥ bare sige, at McCartney simpelthen er genial. Hold da helt k… hvor er der bare mange gode tekster og melodier. Det kan en moderne computer sgu ikke gøre efter!

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