Til lykke med dagen i morgen – Paul McCartney fylder 70


[foto fra Ram Deluxe-udgaven]

Der er allerede blevet skrevet op ad stolpe og ned ad vægge om Paul McCartney i anledning af hans 70-års dag. Og der vil blive skrevet endnu mere i morgen og den følgende tid. Her vil jeg jeg indskrænke mig til at citere fødselaren fra et nyere interview. Et citat, der rokker ved endnu en af de myter, der har været omkring Paul McCartney og John Lennon. Nemlig den, at John Lennon var det politiske dyr af de to. Og det er da også rigtigt, at det var ham, der – efter at han havde fundet sammen med Yoko Ono (for sådan havde det ikke altid været…) – propaganderede, lavede happenings osv. Give peace a chance. Men er Paul ikke også et dybt politisk menneske?:

"Well, years after I made it [albummet Ram], one of my New York nephews, who was in his early 20s, said, "Ram’s my favorite album. I just love it, man. We play it in college and all that." It totally took me by surprise. And that awoke my interest in the album. Then I started to hear the same thing from a number of people through the years. I think it’s because they connect with the liberty to engage, that early-20s kind of thing. It feels like you suddenly have a little bit of chance; you’re out of school, not yet in the big serious job. It’s a good period to cast around. Some people take a trip to India, Tibet, hitchhike through Europe. This was my trip to Tibet, only it was Scotland. The album is certainly in tune with the freedom that a lot of people want these days in our strange world where bankers can rip the economy apart. It’s nice to have a little bit of art to fall back on. Citeret fra et længere interview i Pitchfork. Jeg kursiverer.

4 thoughts on “Til lykke med dagen i morgen – Paul McCartney fylder 70”

  1. Dear Sir Paul McCartney

    On this lovely day I would like to send my conratolation congratulation on your 70´s birthday.
    You and The Beatles started me off as a young man in life, with your wonderful
    music and your fantastic with The Beatles preforming fx. in swedesh tv program ” Drop in” in 1963.
    Since it has been magic and music in my life. Thankt to you!
    Thank you, for letting me into this life, with you and your magic music
    From my heart
    Jens Christiansen

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