Rock Around The Clock…


In his mythic moment of marketability, his mix of jump blues and Western swing was good for a small body of work that’s unique in its efficient drive if only because nobody’s been square enough to imitate it, though Brian Setzer is due to try. Most of it’s here–12 songs, 32 minutes, 10 bucks. Give it some time and you may yet feel in your bones how “Rock Around the Clock” could change the world.

(Robert Christgau)

Torben mindes Bill Haley i anledningen af 30-årsdagen for mandens død. Og jeg er sikker på, at John Lennon ville bifalde hyldesten, hvis han ellers havde kunnet. Det kan godt være, at rock’n roll ikke blev født med b-siden “Rock Around The Clock”, men den må for min skyld gerne få æren. For den holder stadigvæk…

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