Jeg omtaler gerne musik og andre kulturgoder, f.eks. bøger og film i min blog. Hvis du/I er interesseret i at få en udgivelse omtalt, så kontakt mig via min emailadresse
Forudsætningen for omtale er, at musikken sendes i form af en ORIGINAL cd eller – meget gerne! – vinyl, da det jo er tidens medie.
OBS. Digitale filer – fx. mp3 og musikvideoer – promotionudgaver af CD’er (for promotion only-cd’er) og hjemmebrændte CD’er med digitale filer bliver ikke omtalt.
Tilsvarende gælder det, at e- og lydbøger ikke omtales, kun gammeldags tryksager.
Når jeg har omtalt musik eller andet sender jeg altid et link til omtale til kontaktpersonen.
Jeg forsøger at omtale de fremsendte medier, så hurtigt det lader sig gøre og gerne i forbindelse med udgivelsestidspunktet. Men det kan ikke altid lade sig gøre, så bær over med capac, hvis der kommer forsinkelser – linket skal nok komme. Det kan sikkert også forekomme, at jeg helt glemmer at omtale en plade.
And in english:
I do recommend music, books, films etc. in my weblog. If you want me to recommend a record, book etc. please contact me here:
My condition is, that the music must be available
as an original CD og vinyl record.
Digital files (mp3 etc.) and musicvideoes, for-promotion-only-CD’s, and homemade CDs will not be reviewed by me.
The same goes for e- and audiobooks. Only printed books will do.
When I recommend a record, I will send a link to my recommandation to my contact person.
I try to write about the stuff, I receive as fast as possible. But sometimes it takes some time – but the recommandation will come and so will the link. Please be patient.
As the reader of my blog will see, I have first of all written about music, but I would like to write about other stuff such as poetry, books on music, literature and
movies. So if you are interested, please let me know.
@Aage: Eller: NÃ¥r man ikke kan blive noget ved musikken, sÃ¥ kan man da altid skrive bøger!? 😉
The Pea Porridge Pond: smag lige på navnet, oversæt det til dansk, og smag så igen: det er da der, han har det fra, da Vinci, ånder og engle!
Bare nu ikke, de laver en musical over Da Vinci Mysteriet…
@Klaus Johansen: Dan Brown har faktisk allerede udgivet flere cd’er!!!
Fra wiki:
After graduating from Amherst, Brown dabbled with a musical career, creating effects with a synthesizer, and self-producing a children’s cassette entitled SynthAnimals which included a collection of tracks such as “Happy Frogs” and “Suzuki Elephants”; it sold a few hundred copies. He then formed his own record company called Dalliance, and in 1990 self-published a CD entitled Perspective, targeted to the adult market, which also sold a few hundred copies.
In 1991 he moved to Hollywood to pursue a career as singer-songwriter and pianist. To support himself, he taught classes at Beverly Hills Preparatory School.
He also joined the National Academy of Songwriters, and participated in many of its events. It was there that he met Blythe Newlon, a woman 12 years his senior, who was the Academy’s Director of Artist Development. Though not officially part of her job, she took on the seemingly unusual task of helping to promote Brown’s projects; she wrote press releases, set up promotional events, and put him in contact with individuals who could be helpful to his career. She and Brown also developed a personal relationship, though this was not known to all of their associates until 1993, when Brown moved back to New Hampshire, and it was learned that Blythe would accompany him. They married in 1997, at Pea Porridge Pond, a location near Conway, New Hampshire.[9]
In 1993, Brown released the self-titled CD Dan Brown, which included songs such as “976-Love” and “If You Believe in Love”.
In 1994, Brown released a CD titled Angels & Demons. Its artwork was the same ambigram by artist John Langdon, which he later used for the novel Angels & Demons. The liner notes also again credited his wife for her involvement, thanking her “for being my tireless cowriter, coproducer, second engineer, significant other, and therapist.” The CD included songs such as “Here in These Fields” and the religious ballad “All I Believe.”[10]
tja, pÃ¥ et eller andet tidspunkt indspiller dan brown vel ogsÃ¥ et album …
@Aage: Jeg foretræker Stones’ egne vilde heste.
Mens du falder, kan du jo lytte til Susan Boyles udgave af det gamle Stones-nr “Wild Horses”. Og mens du er pÃ¥ tuben, tjek sÃ¥ lige Alicia Keys duet i samme nr. med Adam Levine. Der har du noget for sÃ¥vel øjnene som ørerne (glem Adam!)
@Torben: Ja, men nu har DR sÃ¥ lige gentaget den. Og jeg kan stadigvæk godt falde i staver over den liste… 😉
@CAPAC: Det er en gammel nyhed:-) Se f.eks.:øber-stadig-mindre-musik/