“I read the News today, oh Boy…”


…About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn’t notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They’d seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.

I saw a film today oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book
I’d love to turn you on

Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream

I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I’d love to turn you on

Hvis man har pengepungen i orden og tid til at drage til New York den 18. juni i år, kan man være heldig at få fat i et håndskrevet manuskript med John Lennons ord til “A Days in the Life”. For rigtige samlere og beatlemanikere.

Neil Youngs udgave

2 thoughts on ““I read the News today, oh Boy…””

  1. @Donald: Ja, de kunne noget de fire gutter fra Liverpool. Og jeg kan ogsÃ¥ godt nøjes med den digitale kladde… 😉

  2. Jeg har aldrig hørt eller set den med kritiske øjne, men stilen, melodi, arrangement eller komposition blew my mind out. Jeg undrer mig over at “nogen” har redigeret albumet sÃ¥ der er kommet en helhed ud af det, med Bandet, sangeren, og sÃ¥ nogle ting, som kunne være sÃ¥dan et provinsband der pludselig har nogle sange der stritter til alle sider og fÃ¥r hÃ¥ret til at rejse sig og vandet til risle, “She’s leaving home”.
    Gad vide hvordan det ville have lydt uden McCartney og producer Martin.

    Jeg kan godt klare mig med kopien, som du her afbildet 🙂 og jeg skal jo prøve at fÃ¥ pengene til at slÃ¥ til.

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